What's Your Posture Got To Do With Your Pain?

"Good" posture requires muscles to function according to their design, from head to toe.

"Bad" posture is a deterioriation in the left-to-right and front-to-back harmonius relationship of the muscles and joints.

Pain is a symptom of postural misalignment and muscular dysfunction.

Muscle function and posture can both be restored, regardless of age, by providing the muscles with the necessary stimulus.

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Better Posture, Better Golf???

The Golf Blog: Important Golf Factors…Posture & Stance

Victor Nunn tells us that posture is a factor in your golf game - some would say it is fundamental.

Just to be clear, your spine is designed to have what is often refered to an "S" shaped curve rather than to be straight like a board. Being "hunched over" means that your spine is unable to rotate properly, causing you to compensate by rotating your hips instead to get back swing.

The result of "hunching" is a butt ugly swing, loss of club head speed, pittiful drives and a small fortune in Titlest balls as you hack your way around the course.

The key is the body (posture) you take to the course! Improve your posture before you go to the course and watch as your friend jaws hit the floor.

Go check out the Egoscue Condition 2 posture here and see if you recognise anything in the mirror. Then have a go at the exercises suggested for a least a week to begin with and when you start getting results keep doing 'em!!!

Read Victor Nunn's artilce here


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