While this is is simply not true, it also prepetuates an unhealthy victim mentality. STOP! and think about this for a moment - do you think that in 4 million years of existance that nature has played a sick joke on women? That women are weak and fragile and 'that's just how it is'?"Women are more susceptible to back problems because their backs and abdomens are weaker, causing more strain on the spine.
Childbearing, carrying heavy purses and doing housework also add to the potential for pain..." more

And don't think it stops at back pain, next you'll be being told that nature intended for you to be chained to the kitchen sink!
The 'information' age we now live in, means that we are all bombarded with thousands of messages daily. The danger is if we do not challenge the logic, validity and ultimate truth of those statements we can begin to allow them to seep into our consciousness and beliefs, accepting them as truths.
Gaining an understanding of how posture offers you an opportunity to become empowered and accept responsibility for your health (a corner stone of the success of the Egoscue Method) is for many a first step and important step. That understanding won't come from books (or blogs) it's not intellectual, - it's experiencial!
With the acceptance of responsibility, comes the need to challenge the healthcare providers and 'experts' from whom you seek advice. This is not to be 'difficult' or obstinate. Understand that many of the very well intentioned people we put our trust in, have built their beliefs on their own life experience.
Is it time you found your own truth?
1 comment:
A few years ago i was hit by a car and injured my back this caused me so much pain it was ruining my life and then i tried one of those mattresses that mould to your body shape and adjust to your weight and i slept great for the first time in months and woke with no pain at all! You should try it!
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