This article got me thinking about the advice dished out about sitting 'up right'...
It's actually one of the most common questions students and clients ask, "what is the right way to sit (sleep/stand)?"
And considering the general advise typically given, it's no wonder I get a look of initial surprise when I first answer, "whatever way is comfortable". You see, consciously sitting (or sleeping or standing) in a particular way is really compensating for a compensation - like two wrongs trying to make a right!
It just doesn't work.
If you can't sit 'up straight' comfortably without conscious effort that is a clear message. The message is telling you that you are compensating to try to hold this position.
So rather than try to overcome the limitation with will power and bloody mindedness, wouldn't it be more sensible to address the route cause - your posture.
Try this quick Egoscue exercise:
Watch the video here
- Sit in a hard backed chair and move about 6" forward from the back.
- Put your feet flat on the floor, with your knees bent at 90 degrees
- Now, roll your hips forward using the muscles at the front of your hips to put a little arch in your lower back with your shoulders over your hips.
- Place a fat pillow between your knees and gently squeeze and release x60 with equal work on both sides.
Notice now how you feel to sit. Is it a little easier to sit unsupported? Do you feel more in contact with the back of the chair when you sit back?
If you notice a change from doing this just once it's telling you that you can change your posture simply by giving your body the right kind of stimulus on a daily basis!
Do yourself a favour and move more, NOT less.
And remember as the man says, "The Body Works As A Unit!"
You can read the tips here
By the way the correct way to sleep is however you can get 8 hours sleep each night ;-)
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