What's Your Posture Got To Do With Your Pain?

"Good" posture requires muscles to function according to their design, from head to toe.

"Bad" posture is a deterioriation in the left-to-right and front-to-back harmonius relationship of the muscles and joints.

Pain is a symptom of postural misalignment and muscular dysfunction.

Muscle function and posture can both be restored, regardless of age, by providing the muscles with the necessary stimulus.

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

More P3 Pics

Greg Smith from Aegis Training has up loaded some nice pics from the Egoscue P3 (Posture, Pain & Performance) Workshop to his photo diary blog here.

Check out some of his other offerings too - I particularly like the dramatic contrasting skyscape with the London Eye - is there really no end to this mans talent?!


1 comment:

Greg Smith said...

Thanks for the compliment guys. A fun day was had by all. Let me know when you want to do the next one. Greg