What's Your Posture Got To Do With Your Pain?

"Good" posture requires muscles to function according to their design, from head to toe.

"Bad" posture is a deterioriation in the left-to-right and front-to-back harmonius relationship of the muscles and joints.

Pain is a symptom of postural misalignment and muscular dysfunction.

Muscle function and posture can both be restored, regardless of age, by providing the muscles with the necessary stimulus.

Monday, 5 February 2007

Bad Posture Causes Paralysis

You might want to sit down before you read this...er, on second thoughts stand up - but hold on to something!

Article -icCoventry - Sitting at a desk left me unable to walk

"OFFICE worker Christine Wheeldon is back on her feet after being left temporarily unable to walk - by bad posture at work.

…she felt numbness in her bottom which she couldn't get rid of, but within two days that had spread to both her legs, leaving her unable to walk.

…the 47-year-old from Regent Place, Leamington, was amazed when she was told the problem was caused by a combination of her bad posture and physical inactivity while at work." more...

Now, if you find this a bit frightening, consider it an indication of just how important your posture really is to your health.

There are one or two points that should be mentioned here. As Dr McKiernan, from BackCare says, this is not an occupational issue. It's not that bad posture and being sedentry at work was the only factor - what about bad posture and being sedentry at home?!

We carry our posture everywhere (actually it carries us). So, the problem is not the chair/matress/job/pc/sport, it's the body you take there.

Be good to your body - Feed your posture today and plan on doing it daily for the rest of your life.


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