Aaah, shoes on little feet… We love them almost as much as we love baby walkers!
Get ‘em off!!
While the latest fashion label might look very cute on your little one, guess what? It’s going to do absolutely nothing for helping to build strong functions.
Why not?
Well, for a start, there are more than 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons in the foot. With a hard soled shoe covering them, they’re not getting a workout and building strength and flexibility. (Incidentally, tendons attach muscles to bones while ligaments attach bones to bones).

“A hard soled shoe turns a child’s foot into a platform that will encourage her to push herself up into a standing position before she is ready”. *
As we’ve already talked about, standing before she is ready to is going to place a large amount of stress primarily on the hips and pelvis that they aren’t yet ready to handle, not to mention the spine.
If done properly (i.e. all the stages of development have been properly passed through), “it usually takes between seven and twelve months before your child is standing… but you should forget that. If your child is still crawling at thirteen months – it’s no big deal!”
As we’ve said several times now, she will stand when she is ready.
We’ll be talking about the vast benefits or unrestricted motion very soon…
We look forward to catching up with you again tomorrow!
* Reference: Pain Free for Women – Pete Egoscue
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