What's Your Posture Got To Do With Your Pain?

"Good" posture requires muscles to function according to their design, from head to toe.

"Bad" posture is a deterioriation in the left-to-right and front-to-back harmonius relationship of the muscles and joints.

Pain is a symptom of postural misalignment and muscular dysfunction.

Muscle function and posture can both be restored, regardless of age, by providing the muscles with the necessary stimulus.

Friday, 16 February 2007

Bad Posture - Bad Mood?!

"Poor posture can also affect your moods, your intestines and your clothing! Slouching is synonymous with laziness, tiredness and depression and sitting up straight actually can change your mood; your intestinal tract can become sluggish and blocked if you are sitting in poor posture. A client, whose goal was to improve her posture, told me that in this past year she has gained 3/4 inches in height because her posture had improved. Her clothes fit better because they don't bunch in unsightly areas and her shoulders fit better into her jackets." more...
There are some good points well made in this article. Rememnber that there is much more to posture than 'the core' and often gentle exercises with little or no added resistance are more effective than 'resistance training'.

1 comment:

veena said...

I find this blog very interesting and extremely factual.

Now i`m able to understand why my slouching teenage kids have mood swings and that awful disease "laziness".

Thank you for helping me connect the two - teenage posture and their performance.