"You should check your posture regularly in the mirror and correct it accordingly"Observing your posture in the mirror is a great idea. When you do, you should ideally do so in your underware (or naked!) in a full length mirror if possible. Look for:

Is one hip higher than the other?
Do your feet point straight ahead?
Where do your knees point?
Are you 'knock kneed' or 'bow legged'?
Is one side of your body closer to the mirror than the other?
The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about any postural imbalances you have. Then you can go about addressing them.
So, how do you address the imbalances? Well consciously attempting to correct them doesn't work!
You see, each muscle has specific functions that it is designed to do. When your posture is compromised you know that there are muscular dysfunctions and consequent compensations occurring.
Consciously correcting the misalignment does nothing to address the functional deficit. What you need, is to to remind the muscles of their proper function with exercises designed to do so.
To start now, click here to get a FREE Egoscue ecise menu appropriate for your particular posture.
See more controversial myths about posture here
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