Nine (Baby) Steps On How To Give Your Child The Absolute Best Start In Life - Baby Step #7So we’ve had a look at Baby Walkers and why they’re not so good for the development of your child… And we’ve had a look at hard soles shoes and how they play their part in sabotaging strong, functional muscles.
Today we’re going to look at a device that is great for keeping the little ones safe while Mum and Dad tend to other matters, but aren’t so good for their healthy development…
Today, it’s the playpen! (And unrestricted motion in general).

You’ve probably seen a wee child in a playpen that is screaming at the top of her lungs. Is she throwing a tantrum? Is she being a little brat? Or is she saying, “Hey, get me out of this prison! Don’t you know I’m designed to move and to get out and explore this new world?!”
Now, we realise that life moves at a hundred miles an hour nowadays. Mums go out to work and there are numerous other things that need to be done all the time.
In addition to all of that, when you’ve got a little person to look after, you want to make sure she’s safe while you turn your back to drain the spuds and turn the oven down to gas mark 3…
It’s tough to balance everything.
And we also know that your little person is the most important thing in the world for you. You’ll do whatever it takes to protect her and to ensure that she is fit, strong and healthy.
Which is why she needs to be out of the playpen and given free range to explore wherever she wants as much as is humanly possible.
Crawling and exploring builds strong and healthy muscles… And more than that,
"the baby's movement is strengthening not only musculoskeletal system functions but brain functions as well."That’s quite a realisation for many folks and it’s worth repeating…
"The baby's movement is strengthening not only musculoskeletal system functions but brain functions as well!" *
So keeping your child out of the playpen, out of hard soled shoes and out of baby walkers is not only working towards building strong and healthy muscles (which lead to great posture later), it’s also working to develop brain function too.
Remember, we humans are designed to run, hop, skip, jump… To roll, tumble, reach, bounce and pounce.
We are designed to move.
Movement is not only necessary for building strong functions from birth, it is necessary throughout our lives as we continue to repair and regenerate worn parts.
We’ll talk to you again tomorrow when we’ll be looking at the joys of entering their world, as opposed to bringing them into ours!
Talk to you then.
* Reference:
Pain Free for Women –
Pete Egoscue*